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Volume 39 Number 2

Cover Illustration: Thanks to Manuscripts and Special Collections, The University of Nottingham, for permission to reproduce the cover photograph of Lawrence.  The photo was taken on 26 June 1913.


  • Richard A. Kaye
    D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers:  The Centenary Conference

  • Andrew Harrison
    "I tell you it has got form--form":  Plot, Structure, and Meaning in Sons and Lovers

  • Seamus O'Malley
    "The final aim is the flower":  Wild and Domestic Nature in Sons and Lovers

  • Keith Cushman
    Feeling "Oceanic":  Civilization and Discontented Paul

  • Howard J. Booth
    "They had met in a naked extremity of hate, and it was a bond":  the Later Chapters of Sons and Lovers, Psychoanalysis, and Male-Male Intimacy

  • Jane Eldridge Miller
    "The penumbra of its own time and place and circumstance":  Modern Women, the Edwardian Novel, and Sons and Lovers

  • Robert L. Caserio
    Beyond Oedipal Psychology in Sons and Lovers:  Lawrence's "Forward" to Being and History

  • Maria DiBattista

  • NY Evening Post Article (Aug. 20, 1923)
    D.H. Lawrence Sees New Civilization



  • Judith Ruderman, Race and Identity in D.H. Lawrence:  Indians, Gypsies, and Jews.  (Lydia Blanchard)

  • John Beer, D.H. Lawrence:  Nature, Narrative, Art, Identity.  (David Ellis)

  • Lee M. Jenkins, The American Lawrence.  (Julianne Newmark)

  • Elise Brault-Dreux, Le <je> et ses masques dans la poesie de D.H. Lawrence.  (Ginette Katz-Roy)

  • Kirsty Martin, Modernism and the Rhythms of Sympathy:  Vernon Lee, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence.  (Michael L. Ross)

  • Julie A. Smith and Robert W. Mitchell, eds., Experiencing Animal Minds:  An Anthology of Animal-Human Encounters.  (Christopher Pollnitz)

  • David Bradshaw and Rachel Potter, eds., Prudes on the Prowl:  Fiction and Obscenity in England, 1850 to the Present Day.  (Michael L. Ross)


  • Guest Editors:  Richard A. Kaye and Keith Cushman

Member, CELJ: 
Council of Editors
 of Learned Journals

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