Volume 44 Number 1
Cover: Jacket for the 1915 Methuen edition of The Rainbow
Back Cover: Side jacket with description of the novel
(probably written by Lawrence)
Lawrence's own drawing for jacket art for The Rainbow
Jim Phelps, “D. H. Lawrence’s ‘Biological Psyche’ and the Neuroscience
of the Divided Brain.”
Jack Stewart, “D. H. Lawrence and Landscape”
Jarica Watts, “’Show Yourself a Man’: Ritualistic Sacrifice and the Crisis of Masculinity in D. H. Lawrence’s ‘Tickets, Please’”
Alex Wermer-Colan, “The Mexican Codex: William Burroughs, D. H.
Lawrence, and the ‘Disease of Tolerance’”
Jonathan Franklin, “’A Mechanical Newt’: The Teacher's Ordeal in
D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow“
Philip Ward, “’Green Hats and Constant Nymphs Versus Life-as-It-Is’:
The Unlikely Friendship of Michael Arlen and D. H. Lawrence”
Richard A. Kaye, “Sylvia Plath’s ‘D. H. Lawrence: The Tree of Knowledge
Versus the Tree of Life’“(February 18, 1957)
Excerpt from a Letter by Frieda Lawrence on The Portable D. H.
Lawrence edited by Diana Trilling (March 4, 1947)
Keith Cushman reviews The Young Frieda by John Worthen
Julianne Newmark reviews D. H. Lawrence: New Critical Perspectives and Cultural Translation edited by Simonetta De Filippis
Nicholas Daly reviews D. H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity edited by Indrek Männiste
Howard Booth reviews Receptive Bodies by Leo Bersani
Joyce Wexler reviews Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-reader by Vivian Gornick
Michael L. Ross reviews Nietzsche and Modernism: Nihilism and Suffering in Lawrence, Kafka and Beckett by Stewart Smith
Jennifer Mitchell reviews Modernism, Sex, and Gender by Celia Marshik and Allison Pease
Terry Gifford reviews Animal Subjects: Literature, Zoology, and British Modernism by Caroline Hovanec
Editor: Richard A. Kaye