D.H. Lawrence Review
Published since 1968
The D.H. Lawrence Review is published bi-annually as an international forum for criticism, scholarship, review, and bibliography related to the work of the British writer D.H. Lawrence and his circle.
The DHLR publishes scholarly work by both younger critics and established scholars. The essays appearing in the journal explore the many ways in which Lawrence illuminates and challenges his readers.
"We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen."
––D.H. Lawrence,
Lady Chatterley's Lover
* Issue 45.1.2 (2020), a Double Issue, has been printed and has been shipped.
* Beginning in Summer 2018, the D.H. Lawrence Review began a formal affiliation with JSTOR, the digital scholarly library. The journal continues to publish a print edition. With the arrangement that the journal has established with JSTOR, there is now a “moving wall” of one year. The moving wall is the gap between the most recent issue of the journal and the date of the most recent issues available through JSTOR. Subscribers to JSTOR thus will have access to all back issues of the D.H. Lawrence Review with the exception of a current year’s previous issues. The entire fifty-year trove of articles from the D.H. Lawrence Review is now available to JSTOR subscribers. Please see the link here:
* The journal is also considering establishing a mechanism by which JSTOR can provide access to individual subscribers who do not have institutional access.
* Nominations for Awards in Lawrence Studies
D.H. Lawrence Society of North America is pleased to invite nominations for the following awards in Lawrence studies:
The Harry T. Moore Award for Lifetime Achievement in and Encouragement of Lawrence Studies
The Mark Spilka Lectureship. Lecture by a distinguished Lawrence scholar to be delivered at the International Conference. Awarded no less than once per decade. The Extraordinary Service Award. For service to the DHLSNA and/or Lawrence studies in general.
The Biennial Award for a book by a Newly Published Scholar in Lawrence Studies. For a book substantially, though not necessarily exclusively, devoted to Lawrence.
The Biennial Award for an article by a Newly Published Scholar in Lawrence Studies. Only articles or book chapters published from August 2021 to July 2024 will be considered. Chapters published in multi-author collections such as The Bloomsbury Handbook to D. H. Lawrence, Ed. Annalise Grice (2024) are eligible for this award, as are individual chapters in single-author volumes.
All nominations and self-nominations should be sent to DHLSNA President Ronald Granofsky at and must be received no later than January 1, 2024. Winners will be announced in the Spring 2024 DHLSNA Newsletter.
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